Summer is in full swing with warm days and lots of outdoor time. Since your Phantom screens are getting maximum use right now, we thought it was a good time to remind you about taking care of them.
Here are some great ways to preserve the longevity of your screen mesh:
1). When the screens are not in use, make sure to roll it back into its protective housing to keep dirt and dust from collecting on it.
2). Keep dirt and dust out of tracks. Clean regularly using Phantom’s greaseless silicone spray to ensure its smooth operation.
3). If needed, clean the mesh of the screen with a mild detergent, such as dish soap, and a soft brush. Wait until the mesh is fully dry to roll back into protective housing.
To see a demonstration of how to clean and maintain your Phantom Retractable Screen, go to the Customer Service section on our homepage and click on “Maintenance Tips.” There is a video clip there.
If you have any questions, or would like to purchase a Phantom Retractable Screen, please call 763-425-4280.
Happy Summer!
Minnesota Screens, LLC.
(Distributor of Phantom Screens)